What is the Rome-Floyd Unified Development Code?
The City of Rome and Floyd County has kicked off a new project: “Rome – Floyd Unified Development Code”. The goal of this effort to update and simplify the City and County’s Unified Land Development Code (also referred to as the “ULDC” or “Code”). The final result will be a document that is understandable and implementable, and that helps the community achieve the goals set forth in the Rome – Floyd Cave Spring 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
As we look to update the regulations that guide development and redevelopment in the greater Rome and Floyd County community we want to engage with you in a conversation about the community’s future.
Why are we updating the existing ULDC?
There are two main reasons your City and County have initiated an overhaul to your existing code:
- Alignment – Updates to your existing code are needed to enable the implementation of the goals and policies laid out in your recently adopted Comprehensive Plan, Rome – Floyd Cave Spring 2040.
- Simplicity – The ULDC was adopted in 2001. Since then, zoning codes across the country have been receiving major overhauls as a departure from the cumbersome legal documents of the past, in effort to be more user-friendly, legible, and accessible.
Key Dates
June 15 Community Kick-Off
August 20th-25th Planapalooza!
Don't know much about zoning?
That’s ok! Zoning affects the entire community, and through this process, we’ll help you understand why. All of the events held as part of this process are open to the public, and are a great way to learn more AND make sure your voice is heard!
On this site, you will find information about the process and you will be able to provide your input during various phases of the project. We look forward to engaging with you, the Rome-Floyd County community.
Project Timeline

Project Kick-off

Specific Planning

Draft Plan

Final Plan & Adoption